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- 第6回ウェルビーイングラウンジ「社会学と公衆衛生学」

アクティブラーニング教室(東京科学大学 湯島キャンパスM&D タワー4階)
2024 年12月4日 10:00
English Follows
第6回目となるウェルビーイングラウンジは、アメリカのジョンズホプキンス公衆衛生大学院のCarol Underwood教授をお招きしました。



We were honored to have Professor Carol Underwood from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in the U.S. for the 6th Wellbeing Lounge. Professor Underwood has been working many years in the Middle East, Africa, and former Soviet Union countries at the request of international organizations such as the UNICEF, to research about the role of social structure in community wellbeing and propose concrete policies to correct social inequalities.
Professor Underwood opened the session with a lecture titled “Sociological Theory and Public Health: Bringing the Public Back”. She emphasized that we are social beings, and we exist in relationship with others and are subject to social influences such as history and changing social conditions. Then, she introduced the perspective of understanding illness, isolation and loneliness, and poverty not as individual phenomena but from the perspective of social structure, referring to concepts and theories proposed by 20th century sociologists such as Durkheim, Weber, Marx, Gramsci, and Bourdieu. She also introduced the perspective of understanding the world’s ever-widening inequality (unequal distribution of resources essential for survival and prosperity) not as a personal experience, but from the historical and social change of colonialism, referring to Gunder Frank’s dependency theory and Wallerstein’s world systems theory. She emphasized that the public health challenges many societies are facing today, such as poverty, are the result of “choices” in the form of policies, and that it is important for each of us to raise our awareness of social justice and work to ensure that it is reflected in policies so that we achieve the public health goal – creation of a society where all attain health and wellbeing.

Professor Underwood was gracious enough to participate in the discussion, including a Q&A session with over 40 medical and graduate students and faculty members. They exchanged opinions on the relationship between Marxian theory and constructivism, its usefulness in modern society, the need for global government and global taxation, climate change as an opportunity to transform social structure and allocate resources, and more. Although some participants said that it is difficult to change society, Professor Underwood encouraged the participants to “we cannot say we cannot when we have not reached our goals, we should strive create an equitable society,” and the event was very much enjoyed by all.