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- イベント・セミナー開催情報
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- 第3回ウェルビーイング・ラウンジ「在日外国人のメンタルヘルスケアへのアクセス改善に向けて」

アクティブラーニング教室(東京科学大学 湯島キャンパスM&D タワー4階)
English follows
日本における在留外国人は340万人を超えています。在日外国人の多くは精神的な健康問題に苦しんでおり、孤独感や 文化的適応のストレスによって悪化することも少なくありません。しかし、彼らのメンタルヘルスケア、医療機関へのアクセスは、様々な構造的な障壁のために困難な場合があります。
午前10時から12時まで、さまざまな臨床医、精神科医、通訳者など医療従事者が、外国人患者へのメンタルヘルスケアの経験をzoom で共有しました。




The number of foreign residents in Japan has increased over 3.4 million. Many foreign residents struggle with mental health issues, often exacerbated by loneliness and acculturation stress. However, accessing mental health care can be challenging for them due to various barriers.
To gain a deeper understanding of these barriers from both healthcare providers and recipients, we hosted the third Well-being Lounge, titled “Improving Access to Mental Health Care for Foreign Residents in Japan,” on August 18. The event was divided into morning and evening sessions to address the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders.
During the morning session from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., healthcare providers, including primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and interpreters, shared their experiences in providing mental health care to foreign patients through a zoom meeting.
In the evening session, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., representatives from various NPOs and organizations supporting foreign residents discussed their experiences in accessing mental health care in Japan. This was held through a hybrid meeting, with participants participating either via zoom or in person in an active learning classroom.
These discussions centered on three key themes: “Causes of Mental Health Distress Among Foreign Residents and their Coping Strategies,” “Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Care,” and “Experiences of Foreign Residents While Receiving Mental Health Care”.
The lessons learned from these sessions will be crucial to our future project to improve access to mental health care for foreign residents in Japan.